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Morning Report for Thursday 2 February 2012
South Wairarapa mayor welcomes Hollywood bigshot
8:57 AM.There seems to be something about Wairarapa that movie bigshots find irresistible. Audio
Australia's richest woman increases her stake in Fairfax
8:53 AM.Australia's richest person, Gina Rinehart, has become the largest shareholder in the newspaper publisher Fairfax Media. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 2 February 2012
8:50 AM.The timing of a legal challenge against the Government's granting of a permit to explore for oil, will be part of the Crown's defence in a High Court procedure in Wellington; The co-author of a new… Read more Audio
Council loan for Auckland Theatre Company questioned
8:44 AM.An Auckland business group is demanding the council should dump plans to lend the Auckland Theatre Company ten million dollars to build a waterfront theatre. Audio
Wellington gets ready to party at Rugby Sevens
8:41 AM.Hobbits, pirates, giant flamingoes and monopoly board pieces will be on the streets of Wellington all heading for one of the biggest events in the city each year, the rugby sevens. Audio
Sports News for 2 February 2012
8:35 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
All Whites captain signs with Tottenham Hotspur
8:27 AM.The All Whites captain, Ryan Nelsen, has signed to play for English premier league high flyers Tottenham Hotspur, a move which will add new legs to his career. Audio
Winston Peters on TPK job cuts
8:20 AM.The Mana Party leader, Hone Harawira, says the Government is planning to gut the Maori Development Ministry, Te Puni Kokiri, of essential functions and leave it as little more than an advisory body on… Read more Audio
'Shame on you' says Christchurch local govt protestor
8:09 AM.Two thousand placard-wielding protesters gathered next to Christchurch Council City offices, calling for mid-year elections and warning that more protests could follow. Audio
West pushes for Syria agreement as Assad forces attack
7:51 AM.The United Nations Security Council has reached an impasse over what should be done about Syria. The council has been considering a draft resolution calling on President Bashar al-Assad to give up… Read more Audio
Marmite shortage could lead to black market
7:49 AM.Love it or hate it, marmite has been a staple of the great New Zealand breakfast for years. But the supply of the spread may be thin soon, while the Christchurch factory where it's made is relocated. Audio
Sports News for 2 February 2012
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Waikato-Tainui leader backs Maori party stance over
7:41 AM.The Waikato-Tainui leader, Tukoroirangi Morgan, says he backs the Maori Party and the stand it's taking over Treaty of Waitangi references in new legislation. Audio
Bob Parker defends his 'junket' to Asia
7:38 AM.The call for heads to roll in the Christchurch City Council is gathering steam. Audio
Harawira says govt plans to gut TPK of essential functions
7:29 AM.The Mana Party leader, Hone Harawira, says the Government's plans for Te Puni Kokiri will turn it into the Puny Kokiri. Audio
Locals disappointed Manawatu Gorge closed until mid-year
7:26 AM.Communities in the Manawatu and Tararua districts are resigning themselves to a longer-than-expected wait for the Manawatu Gorge road to reopen. Audio
Locals delighted Hollywood director buys Wairarapa farms
7:22 AM.South Wairarapa residents are ready to roll out the red carpet to welcome the district's newest resident, the Hollywood movie director, James Cameron. Audio
Labour says government to cut Te Puni Kokiri jobs
7:18 AM.The Labour Party is accusing the Government of preparing to gut the Ministry of Maori Development, in pursuit of cost cutting. Staff at Te Puni Kokiri were told yesterday that up to 50 jobs may go, as… Read more Audio
The govt reacts to Christchurch's massive protest action
7:14 AM.Local Government Minister Nick Smith talks about the situation regarding Christchurch City Council. Audio
Thousands call for new Christchurch council, chief executive
7:09 AM.The call for heads to roll in the Christchurch City Council is gathering steam. Thousands of residents protested outside the council offices demanding the city's chief executive be sacked and a new… Read more Audio
Morning Business for 2 February 2012
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Christchurch council under more pressure to perform
6:38 AM.In Christchurch dissatisfaction with the city council is growing. Thousands of people gathered in the central city yesterday to show their anger at the council's continued in-fighting, and to ask for… Read more Audio
Manu Korihi News for 2 February 2012
6:27 AM.The timing of a legal challenge against the Government's granting of an oil exploration permit, will be part of the Crown's defence in a High Court procedure in Wellington; The co-author of a new… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 2 February 2012
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 2 February 2012
6:18 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Labour worried by cuts at Te Puni Kokiri
6:11 AM.The Labour Party says the Government is about to gut the Ministry of Maori Development, in pursuit of cost cutting. Staff at Te Puni Kokiri were told that up to 50 jobs may go. Audio
Top Stories for Thursday 2 February 2012
6:00 AM.Thousands call for new Christchurch council, chief executive; The govt reacts to Christchurch's massive protest action; Labour says government to cut Te Puni Kokiri jobs; Bob Parker defends his… Read more Audio