Lately for Tuesday 9 June 2020
Photo: RNZ
10:20 Level One relief at the Criterion Bar in Westport
Day one of level one and things are able to get back to normal. You can order your own drinks at the bar. We're heading to the Criterion Bar in Westport to find out how different things are compared with the past nine weeks in lockdown. Glen Elley is the owner.
Photo: Glen Alley
10:30 When's netball back on the court?
With New Zealand on Alert Level One, there are no restrictions on gatherings and activities can resume in stadiums.
Karyn asks the CEO of Netball New Zealand, Jennie Wyllie, what it means for netball after months off the court.
Netball NZ CEO Jennie Wyllie. Photo: Photosport
10:45 Connectivity in heartland New Zealand
We're looking at stories from regional New Zealand in a new series. One of the biggest issues farmers have been battling with is connectivity. Federated Farmers has pointed out this issue with a series of photos on its Facebook page showing the lengths some farmers have to go to, to get cell phone coverage on farm. One of those farmers is Ruapehu regional president, Luke Pepper who has to get up on his cowshed roof to get just one bar of cellphone coverage.
Photo: Luke Pepper