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Photo: RNZ

10:20 Plans for a Clean Energy Centre in Taranaki

At a summit in New Plymouth earlier today, Prime minister Jacinda Ardern announced plans to build a new 27-million-dollar clean energy centre in Taranaki, and pump another 20-million into cutting-edge energy research over the next four years.

We Talk to New Plymouth mayor Neil Holdom about what this will mean for the region.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announcing a $27 million clean energy centre in Taranaki.

Photo: RNZ / Robin Martin

10:30 Tropical Cyclone Fani and the Indian Election

The Indian state of Odisha has been bombarded by the powerful tropical Cyclone Fani, taking 62 lives and causing millions of dollars' worth of damage.

Thankfully the storm has now dissipated but the clean-up has only just begun - and all this is happening against the backdrop of the Indian election - the largest democratic elections in the world. Aman Sethi, Editor-in-Chief of HuffPost India joins us with the story.

An Indian woman sits with her child next to storm-damaged buildings in Puri in the eastern Indian state of Odisha,

An Indian woman sits with her child next to storm-damaged buildings in Puri in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, Photo: AFP

10:45 Tropical Fish becoming more common in New Zealand Waters.

Species that wouldn't be unusual in Japan, or Australia, or New Caledonia ... but which are rarely, if ever, seen in New Zealand waters have been spotted around our shores.

Massey University marine ecologist Irene Middleton has been looking into this phenomenon.

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Photo: Irene Middleton/Massey University