8 Oct 2019

Who's Up at 5am? The Morning People dance party

From First Up, 5:54 am on 8 October 2019

We're up early and we love to hear who's up with us at this time of the morning. Just up the road from our Auckland studio is Whammy Bar where, once a month, The Morning People take over, getting up to get down.

Jamie Newman is up at 5:30 preparing for Morning People, a morning rave he started a few years ago which now sees over 100 people attend to have a pre-work party, some coffee and kombucha. First Up's Ellie Jay went along to have a dance.

You can find out more about the party here: https://www.morningpeople.dance/ 

The Morning people - Whammy Bar

The Morning people - Whammy Bar Photo: RNZ/ Ellie Jay

The Morning people - Whammy Bar

The Morning people - Whammy Bar Photo: RNZ/ Ellie Jay