31 May 2019

Biz Bytes - will a robot take my job?

From First Up, 5:35 am on 31 May 2019

"Robots will definitely have a place in the workplace of the future. But whether a robot takes your job depends on you and the work you do.

It also depends on whether you're an optimist or a pessimist when it comes to technology, because the jobs of the future will require all of us to adapt to change and commit to lifelong learning, not just at school, but in the workplace too.

The government knows this and has committed nearly $200 million to help increase the number of people in jobs with improved vocational training. The future of work has been a pet project of the finance minister Grant Robertson, long before he entered government. He led a working group looking at how to supply enough well paid highly skilled jobs in an economy facing significant technological change.

Artificial Intelligence algorithms and robots can only do so much when it comes to creativity, building relationships and innovation and problem solving human still rule.

The challenge is how to mix human minds with robot metal and wires. Some of the answers may come from startup companies and other enterprises, which the government is planning to spend more than $600 million on to encourage innovation, improve digital skills, and commercialize their work.

The details are scant, but the government is clearly signaling the need for industry groups and businesses to support the increased training necessary for the future of work." For First Up, Nona Pelletier