9:40 PM.Each year 17 Taranaki rugby clubs receive cheques from the Taranaki Community Rugby Trust thanks to a successful dairy farming operation. The Trust runs two dairy farms and a run off and all the… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:30 PM.Reza-Abdul Jabbar owns a 349-hectare dairy farm in Southland and is Imam of the world's southernmost mosque in Invercargill. Last March, when he featured on RNZ's Country Life programme, he talked… Read moreAudio
9:20 PM.Ruby Mulinder and Sean Nixon bought their first farm two and a half months ago and jumped at the chance to welcome the public and show them where their food comes from. Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:14 PM.The Real Estate Institute says large dairy farms are now extremely difficult to sell and some banks are demanding much higher equity from potential buyers. Read moreAudio
9:09 PM.The grape harvest is well underway in Hawkes Bay in what is a very early vintage this year. The biggest challenge for sheep farmers in Marlborough is keeping ewe condition up for the ram. Read moreAudio
9:04 PM.Teat Spray and Tackles, One year since the Christchurch Mosque Attacks, Young farmers proud to be part of Open Farms event, Dairy farm sales plummet and the Regional Wrap.