9:33 PM.After suffering an accident 20 years ago Chris Ashwell could no longer drive trucks so, for something to do, he started planting vegetables in his back garden. The joy of growing food quickly turned… Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.Jeff Grant is New Zealand's Red meat Sector representative in London. He puts a human face on some of the implications of Brexit. Read moreAudio
9:20 PM.Waikato farmer Henk Smit had to kill 800 cows and calves when mycoplasma bovis was detected in his herd. He has put his property on the market and wants to leave the country. Read moreAudio
9:10 PM.Paddocks are greening up in many North Island places while in the South Island Marlborough is going quickly from brown to green. Read moreAudio
9:03 PM.Unwanted spuds become Tuahiwi Gold, Henk Smit's cows leave his farm after M Bovis found there in spring, New Zealand's Red Meat Sector representative in London Jeff Grant and the Regional Wrap. Read moreAudio