At The Movies for Wednesday 10 March 2021
Simon Morris struggles to keep up with Oscar hopefuls at the cinema, on Netflix and on Amazon Prime. This week, a long-awaited adaptation of a Kiwi classic, and two Black American history lessons.
The film of Patricia Grace’s novel Cousins is out, and the wait was well worth it. Starring Rachel House and Tanea Heke, directed by Ainsley Gardiner (Boy, The Breaker Upperers) and Briar Grace Smith (Waru).
Judas and the Black Messiah is the true story of how desperate the FBI were to topple Sixties Black Panther leader Fred Hampton. Stars LaKeith Stanfield and Golden Globe winner Daniel Kaluuya.
And Golden Globe nominee One night in Miami sees four famous friends gather to celebrate Cassius Clay’s becoming the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Based on a play by Kemp Powers (Soul), and directed by Oscar-winning actress Regina King (If Beale Street could talk).