Arts on Sunday for Sunday 11 July 2010
12:40 The 60th anniversary of the Elam School of Fine Arts
We mark the 60th anniversary of the School of Fine Arts in Auckland by talking to lecturers and graduates, past and present.
Right: Head of School, Professor Jonathan Mane-Wheoki.
1:00 At the Movies
Simon Morris looks at three famous franchises - Shrek, Toy Story and the never-ending story of Twilight…
1:30 Mike Riddell talks about the process of turning his novel, Insatiable Moon, into a film script
1:40 John de Prez
The musical partner of Monty Python's Eric Idle, who's helped turn Holy Grail into the Spamalot musical and The Life of Brian into an oratorio.
1:50 A conversation between brothers Gregory and Brendon O'Brien and their old mate, Aussie artist Noel McKenna, about their years working in the legendary Sydney jazz club, The Basement
2:00 The Laugh Track
NZSO's Associate Concertmaster, Donald Armstrong (right), with a - not surprisingly - musical selection of comedy tracks.
2:20 Lucy Orbell takes us on a tour of the Michael King residence in Auckland
2:30 Chapter & Verse
Karen Zelas talks about setting her novel Past Perfect in Akaroa and France in the 19th and 21st centuries…..while Tina Makereti (below right) gives Maori legends a contemporary spin in her short story collection, Once Upon a Time in Aotearoa.
2:50 Jeremy Leatinu'u
A chat to artist Jeremy Leatinu'u whose work involves performing acts of welcome to unknown visitors, and Jess Johnson whose line is in guerrilla advertising posters. They are two of the artists selected for Artspace's Knowing You Knowing Me group show.
3:00 The Sunday Drama
Another in this season of WorldPlays - from Canada - sex, drugs and violence in Red Pole Rising.