29 Nov 2022

Crimes NZ: Michael Blowers fall from grace

From Afternoons, 2:25 pm on 29 November 2022

In 2014 a former police detective, Michael Blowers, was sent to prison for five years after pleading guilty to a raft drug related offences.

What made this case stand out from any other corrupt officers is that the drugs he was selling were stolen from the police exhibit room. His crime was only uncovered when a test was carried out on methamphetamine seized in a police raid and results showed the drugs were simply plain rock salt.

RNZ's Charlie Dreaver was a reporter in Northland at the time and she talks to Jesse about how this case played out.

Michael Blowers admitted stealing methamphetamine from police storage and passing it to a dealer.

Michael Blowers admitted stealing methamphetamine from police storage and passing it to a dealer. Photo: Northern Advocate

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