21 Aug 2020

Winners announced of National Poetry Day Competition

From Afternoons, 2:50 pm on 21 August 2020

Producer and book man Robert Kelly - went through the hundreds of entries with the editor of the 2020 Poetry New Zealand Yearbook, Jo Emeney and together they whittled them down to a shortlist and our winners.


Winning Poem: ​How to fish - Kate Waterhouse

everything will be still

take a stick and mark the sand where the sea stops

dig and dig where only your fingers can see

think of fat fritters, pied stilts, a train of godwits

if the tide is as high as the stick, think of flounder

this is what he said


2nd place: 'The Music Lesson' Sydney Manowitz

"Train your fourth finger to reach high"

My violin teacher said. 

But still I only wanted to play music - 

Not stick with this technique rubbish.

I was 5 then.

Now, if only I can remember, "Reach High"


3rd place: Joseph Jowitt

These knees still

stick, a bit.

A train of ants march a high tattoo across the ceiling

but all I hear is the sound of Doug

breathing softly.

I’d can this feeling if I could.  

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