30 Sep 2019

The unlikely partnership that unlocked the atom

From Afternoons, 3:06 pm on 30 September 2019

Andrew Ramsey knows a good partnership when he sees one. As a long-time cricket journalist, writing on CRICKET.COM.AU, he's seen often enough the power of two people working together for a common goal. Behind one of the most important scientific partnerships of all time was that of New Zealand's Ernest Rutherford and Australia's Mark Oliphant. Their collaboration would unlock the secrets of the atom and unleash innovations that both hugely improved lives… and destroyed them. Andrew Ramsey tells the story of their unlikely partnership and devotion to science in his new book, The Basis of Everything: Rutherford, Oliphant and the Coming of the Atomic Bomb

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Photo: Stefan-Xp [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)]