1 Mar 2019

Rajorshi Chakraborti - Writing as a performance

From Afternoons, 1:29 pm on 1 March 2019

Performance Arcade is a festival of live music and artists on the waterfront in Wellington where the public can meet artists and watch them at work.

In one corner is a project called Live Press where each day a writer sits for two hours and furiously writes. And then, their work is printed straight to a broadsheet as a record for that day. 

This morning, it was Rajorshi Chakraborti -- the author of five novels with one on the way, whose collection of short fiction, The Man Who Would Not See, is longlisted in the fiction section of the Ockham New Zealand Book Awards

Rajorshi Chakraborti has written five novels, including "The Man Who Would Not See" which was published in February

Rajorshi Chakraborti has written five novels, including "The Man Who Would Not See" which was published in February Photo: Supplied