25 Jan 2017

How to LOVE your job, no matter what

From Afternoons, 1:25 pm on 25 January 2017

It's hump day, on what may be a lot of people's first week back at work since Christmas. But what's the secret to loving your job, no matter what? Auckland University of Technology researcher and author, Dr Kathryn Owler, has been on a quest to reach nirvana in her work. And she may have some answers for the rest of us. If you're interested in participating in Kathryn's research, contact her on kathryn.owler@aut.ac.nz

Auckland University of Technology researcher, Dr Kathryn Owler, has been on a quest to reach nirvana in her work.

Auckland University of Technology researcher, Dr Kathryn Owler, has been on a quest to reach nirvana in her work. Photo: Pixabay

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