Afternoons for Friday 17 November 2023
1:15 Children's commissioner launches survey for young people
The new chief children and young person's commissioner started the job at the beginning of this month and is wasting no time getting down to business by launching a survey asking mokopuna what's important to them.
Dr Claire Achmad's been appointed as commissioner for a five year term and finding out what matters most to those she's advocating for is her starting point.
Dr Claire Achmad Chief Childrens Commissioner Photo: Supplied
1:25 Call for summer time citizen scientists at the beach
This summer DOC is encouraging us all to be 'citizen scientists' and to share sightings of protected marine species.
There are nine protected fish species under the Wildlife Act including the basking and great white sharks - and two types of grouper fish.
Whether you're fishing, diving or boating - they are recommending you keep a lookout.
Clinton Duffy is DOC's Marine Technical Advisor. He speaks to Jesse.
School of demoiselles, Poor Knights Island Marine Reserve Photo: SUPPLIED / Danica Stent, DOC
1:35 Dame Malvina Major donates her life long archives to Waikato University
Dame Malvina Major is one of New Zealand's foremost opera sopranos and has just gifted her personal archives to Waikato University.
The collection contains documents covering her entire career - from her origins performing country music to her time on the stage in London's West End.
The Dame Malvina Major Foundation was established in 1991 to offer support to emerging New Zealanders in the performing arts.
She is an Associate at the music programme at the University of Waikato in Hamilton.
Dame Malvina speaks to Jesse.
Dame Malvina Major Photo: supplied
1:45 Freaky Friday
Time for Freaky Friday, one of our favourites times of the week.
If you've got a story you'd like shared on air email us or text 2101.
Today we've got two Freaky Friday stories to share with you.
Today we have a great story from Susanne and Sandy has a story quite fitting for the week of the Bird of the Century announcement.
Photo: 123rf
2:10 Film Review with Sam Hollis
Today Sam talks to Jesse about Saltburn and Sanctuary.
2:20 NZ Live: Troy Kingi
Playing today on NZ Live is Troy Kingi, he's in to mark the release of his seventh album, "Time Wasters: Soundtrack to Current Day Meanderings" which is described as having an "ambient instrumental vibe".
With more awards than he has room for on his mantle piece, from Tui, Silver Scrolls and AMAs, Troy has been making music pretty much all his life. He'll also be familiar thanks to his impressive acting CV, with roles in everything from Mt Zion and Hunt for the Wilderpeople to Muru and most recently his documentary series Our Other Islands.
Troy Kingi singing Photo: Norrie Montgomery / Diva Productions
3:08 Spaghetti Taormina
Today Julie Biuso has a delicious, exotic but easy to make recipe from Sicily.
She shares how to make Spaghetti Taormina, a fabulous way to make the most of eggplant season coming up and deliver a healthy and tasty meal for friends or family.
You can find out how make this Sicilian favourite here.
Spaghetti Taormina collage Photo: Julie Biuso
3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan
Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from 1pm talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.
Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly
3:25 Weekend Stuff: Garden rambles
This week gardening guru Lynda Hallinan talks to Jesse about garden ramble season where private gardeners open up their properties for the public to view.
She's off to Paeroa tomorrow for their festival and talks about the many on offer around Aotearoa.
3:35 Critter of the Week: Alexander Beetle
The Alexander beetle is a beautiful iridescent green beetle that is only found in Canterbury. It's a fierce predator of critters smaller than itself and has long slender legs which are excellent for chasing down prey. Alexander beetles are attentive parents and don't leave their chambers to feed until all their eggs have hatched.
Alexander Beetle Photo: supplied
3:45 The Panel with Claire Amos and Ian Powell