Afternoons for Friday 27 August 2021
Critter of the Week t-shirts Photo: Liminal/RNZ
Our Critter of the Week t-shirts are back! Click here to order!
1.12 First Song: Theia, Rangirara
Artist Theia has today released her latest waiata from her TE KAAHU project. She shares Rangirara with Jesse and talks about how the track close to her heart, taking its name from her late Grandmother.
Theia Photo: supplied
1:17 Wellington City Mission offers personal shopping option
Wellington's City Mission has come up with an innovative way to make sure our most vulnerable communities are getting the essentials they need.
City Missioner Murray Edridge talks to Jesse about their lockdown project.
Photo: 123rf
1:27 Native bush restoration group in Wellington celebrating 30 years
One of Wellington's oldest native bush restoration projects is celebrating 30 years since the first seedlings were planted.
Ross Gardiner. has been volunteering with Manawa Karioi for 21 years. He talks to Jesse about their work and shares some gardening in lockdown tips with us, including what weeds to look for.
Photo: 123RF
1:30 Critter of the Week Giant Ichneumonid Wasp
This week’s critter is New Zealand’s largest native parasitoid wasp, Certonotus fractinervis (Giant Ichneumonid Wasp). It lays its eggs exclusively in the larvae of the native elephant weevil, Rhynchodes ursus. Once hatched, the wasp larvae eat the weevil larvae from the inside out!
Giant Ichneumonid Wasp Photo: CC BY NC SA 4.0 Ember Song
1:45 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan
Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from midday talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.
Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly
1:50 Roasted Spiced Butternut Pumpkin
Today Julie Biuso has a great recipe to make the most of the cheap butternut pumpkins available right now. They could be served as part of a vegetarian dish with lentils or a welcome addition to roast chicken meal.
You can find out how to make this delicious but easy recipe here.
Roasted Spiced Butternut Photo: Julie Biuso
2:10 Film Review: Dom Corry
2:20 The winners of our National Poetry Day competition
We gave you 30 minutes to write a 6 line flash poem using these words:
Poet Johanna Emeney judged the winners
This is the winning entry
Photo: RNZ
2:30 NZ Live: Replay
Today's NZ live is a replay of an incredible performance in our studio in January this year. Delaney Davidson and Barry Saunders, as well as Jenny Mitchell and her sisters. The artists were all in Auckland for the weekend's folk festival being held in Kumeu.
Photo: supplied
3:00 COVID lockdown alert levels announcement
Today the government will make further announcements on the timeline for alert levels around the country and any localised changes that might be able to be made. We will cross live to the media briefing for the details. Following that Wallace Chapman will be talking to experts and affected businesses about what has been revealed. The Panel will begin at 4pm.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield give the day two lockdown level 4 update on the current case news. Photo: Pool / Getty
4:00 The Panel with Livia Esterhazy and Patrick Gower