Afternoons for Monday 20 August 2018
Short Story Club
Our short story for this Thursday afternoon is Gina Cole’s Black Ice. We will give away a copy of Gina’s collection of short stories Black Ice Matter to the writer of the best email.
1:10 First song: SushiCats Live
Auckland four piece band SushiCats perform their new song, Cyanide, live in RNZ Studio B in Auckland
SushiCats Photo: supplied
1:15 Including dads in parenting programmes
Men being involved in their kids lives is better for both the children and the dads. But whether because of societal expectations, or just busy lives, researchers have been looking into how to get dads more involved.
Dads are more likely to be part of parenting programmes if it's not assumed they aren't interested. Basically men can, and do want, to be engaged.
And there are simple steps that can be taken to make this happen, the research out of the University of Sydney states.
Vilas Sawrikar is the Senior Project Leader on the Like Father Like Son Project, he explains what those steps are.
Tales of our Fathers Photo: Pixabay
1:25 Spirituality and our modern buildings
Photo: Supplied
We are a product of our environment and right now, we're facing a crisis of human habitat.
That's the view of author Murray Rae in his book Architecture and Theology: The Art of Place.
The architect turned theologian says the way our structures are built now emphasise revenue, at the expense of beauty and spirituality. The book's just won this year's Ashton Wylie Mind Body Spirit Literary Award.
Professor of Theology at the University of Otago Murray Rae tells us more about his novel.
1:35 The Gangsta Gardener
Ron Finlay - The Gangsta Gardener Photo: supplied
Ron Finlay almost got arrested for growing carrots in his South Central LA neighbourhood. Since then he's been dubbed the Gangsta Gardener. He decided to take action against the food desert his South Central LA neighbourhood lived in with no access to fresh fruits and vegetables and an excess of fast food. His act of rebellion, planting vegetables on his kerb led to a warrant for his arrest, but ultimately resulted in him getting the law changed.
1:40 Great album
2:10 Television Critic Linda Burgess
Linda tells us about Bonus Family on Netflix, and Motherland on Soho
2:20 Surf wars: shots fired
The lengths which some go to protect their land is in the spotlight today after surfers were shot at on the West Coast.
The people were surfing off the Taharoa Coast, south of Kāwhia, last week when they bullets were fired, one hitting the water just two metres from one of the surfers.
Surf rage isn't new, in fact a few years ago we talked to Jhan Gavala who was doing his PhD on the psychology behind it. He says this case sounds pretty extreme.
Taharoa Domain. Photo: Google
2:30 Superman expert Stein Dando
The Man of Steel is one of the most enduring and recognisable of all pop culture icons.
Superman superfan Stein Dando joins us in studio to talk all things Kal-El - from movies, to books, to TV shows, to who would win in a fight between him and Batman
The Man of Steel Photo: Pngimg
3:10 Dr Brian Wansink: ending mindless eating
When it comes to eating right, willpower will only get you so far. That's because most of us eat without any thought. If a bag of potato chips is on the counter, they're gone before we even have time to think about it. It's called mindless eating.
Dr Brain Wansink is the director of the Food and Brand Lab at the prestigious Cornell University. He offers tips on how to change mindless eating by making small changes that can make a big difference
Photo: Pexels free image
3:35 Voices
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Peter Fa'afiu