Afternoons for Friday 3 July 2015
1:10 Your Song
French Letter - Herbs. Chosen by May Seager.
1:20 NZ Live: Avalanche City
Auckland folk musician Dave Baxter performs live in the Auckland music studio.
2:10 Rat Plague - Ian Charleton
New Plymouth is beset by a plague of rats.
2:20 Eye Witness - David Steemson
Its ten years ago on Tuesday (7th) since suicide bombers set off explosions in the London underground and on a London bus, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. A former English paramedic now living in Auckland, spent hours helping the injured in one wrecked carriage. It was a scene, she says, of complete carnage.
2:30 NZ Reading - The Hoary Mullein
An uncle spins a very tall tale to his nephew to teach him a thing or two about creative writing; a lesson in remedial bullshit.
2:45 Feature album
Steve Earle - Copperhead Road.
3:10 Food, Wine and Movies
Geoff Scott from Vinnies in Herne Bay presents his recipe for Rooster in Red Wine. Recipe: Geoff Scott's Rooster in Wine (Coq au Vin)
We discuss Belinda Jackson's wine picks and she'll recommend something to drink with Rooster and Red Wine.
Sarah McMullan with her previews of Terminator Genesys and Ted 2 - and a couple of kids films; Dr Proctor's Fart Powder and The Falling.
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show
What the world is talking about. With Jim Mora, Julie Moffett, Sally Wenley and David King.