1:06   Simon Intro

1:10 Best song ever written – ‘A Fool for You’ by Ray Charles, nominated by Cynthia Cass from Pahiatua

Cynthia’s book We Three go South will be released at the end of this month.

1:20 Simon's A to Z - Picton

Featuring: Alistair Sowman, Marlborough District Mayor. 

Karen McLeod, Manager of the Edwin Fox Maritime Museum

John Reuhman, Director of EcoWorld Aquarium.     

2:10 The fall of the Berlin Wall - Liam Jeory

This Sunday marks 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was November 9, 1989, when the wall that split the city from 1961 fell. It was an iconic symbol of the cold war and, a symbolic boundary between democracy and communism.

Simon Mercep talks with New Zealander, Liam Jeory, who was Television New Zealand's European correspondent at the time of the collapse.

2:20  Fall of the Wall - Professor Tom Frazier

The Berlin Wall sent one man on a 'journey of a lifetime'.

Tom Frazier was living in Munich at the time the wall came down, and like a lot of the world, he watched events unfold live on television. But he was so taken with it, he hired a car and drove to see it himself. Since then, he's become somewhat of an expert and he confesses it's even taken over his life.

Professor Tom Frazier is a lecturer in geography at California State University Long Beach. 

2:30 NZ Reading: 'A Ronde For Joey No Name' by Joanne Proctor

Read by Bruce Phillips.

A swagman and his dog are involved in a mystery about the death of a farmer's wife.


'Powis Square' (Bottle neck guitar solo by Ry Cooder) from Performance sound track album.

Warner Bros

2:45 Feature album - The Divine Miss M - Bette Midler (1972)

3:00  News

3:06  Coming up


3:10pm Deco Radio - Dr Peter Sheridan  

art deco radio panorama

An Artes AR3 radio, an AWA Fret and Foot radio, an Emerson Patriot AD16 radio. Photos: Peter Sheridan.

Peter Sheridan is a Sydney dentist who has run a practice in Maquarie Street for more than 40 years.  He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2001 for his work with multiple sclerosis sufferers and carers.  He is also an expert on clinical photography.  He has always been a collector, but Art Deco radios are a relatively recent obsession. Now he has produced a very beautiful and informative book on the subject. 

Deco Radio reveals the fascinating story behind these beautiful radios and looks at the influence Art Deco and Industrial Design had on the evolution of radio styling in the 1930s and 1940s.

3:20 Virtual Reality For Stroke Survivors

After suffering a stroke, people often have difficulties remembering future tasks. At the University of Canterbury, Tanja Mitrovic and her team have developed a 3D virtual reality environment where stroke patients are asked to perform future actions similar to those in real-life, like turning off an iron, or making a cup of coffee. Ruth Beran gets to see how the memory training works, and meets someone who has benefited from it.

Stories from Our Changing World.

3:35  Chimps - Farhana Haider from BBC Witness

In 1960 a young Englishwoman made a discovery that changed our understanding of animal behaviour. Jane Goodall was living among wild chimps in Tanzania when she observed them using sticks and grasses as tools to get food.

3:45 The Panel Pre-Show - Zoe George