1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Rita Rowsell nominated "All the Things You Are' by Frank Sinatra

1:20 8 Months To Mars - New Zealand actor and singer Jay Laga'aia with us from Sydney. He's set to play the Wizard of Oz in the Auckland season of Wicked

2:10 The Pole Dancer - Douglas Seivers Jarrett
It's not a pursuit traditionally associated with the men of this nation, but New Zealand could soon be on the map for male pole-dancing, thanks to the efforts of one young man from Palmerston North.
Douglas Seivers Jarrett is a trainee accountant, who has spent the last two years studying for his degree at Massey University. He's also a pole dancer who has been selected to represent New Zealand in the inaugural Mr Pole Dance competition in Sydney next month.

2:20  Piano On Tour - Jean Francois Robert  
A pair of French musicians have launched a mission to take classical music to the parts of New Zealand where it doesn't often go. When  Jean Francois Robert  and his partner Claire organised a piano concert in Motueka last December, the house filled up so quickly, many people had to stand outside.
Having seen first-hand the appetite for beautiful music in this country, and the correspondingly scanty performance schedules, the couple came up with a plan: take the legs off their baby Grand piano, and tow it to wherever it is in demand! So was born the Piano on Tour Project, which kicks off this winter.

2:30 Reading - In today's episode of 'Dances With Marmots',  New Zealander George Spearing is in the highest section of his Pacific Crest Trail walk from Mexico to Canada -  the High Sierras - and that's where has his first close encounter with a black bear.
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Geoff Bartley/Paul Lenart: 'Walkin' To Heaven' (Geoff Bartley/Paul Lenart) from the CD 'GUITARSPHERES 2'   [Sonoton ,SCD 356,  Munich 1999]  INHOUSE PRODUCTION MUS
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Dances With Marmots: A Pacific Trail Adventure by George G. Spearing  Pub: Magog Publishing ISBN-978-1411656185

2:45 Feature Album - Who's Zoomin' Who? - Aretha Franklin

3:10  Our feature author is Therese Anne Fowler whose new novel is about the golden couple of the jazz age and the Roaring 20's -  Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald, concentrating for a change on Zelda not Scott. The book is called ' Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald' .

3:30 Our Changing World - Christchurch Earthquake Geology - Alison Ballance
University of Canterbury geologist Mark Quigley has earned a reputation for being a great science communicator on the subject of earthquakes.
But when he's not in the media spotlight, he's out and about around Canterbury building a picture of the region's tectonic history, and trying to understand what might happen in the future.
Working alongside him are a keen team of post-graduate students, and as Alison Ballance discovers, when they're not out in the field there's nothing they all like better than a communal ballgame at lunchtime.
Mark Quigley from the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury, and you also heard from PhD students  Sharon Hornblow and Tim Stahl (pron: Storll), and Rutherford Foundation post-doctoral fellow Ben Mackey (pron: Mackee).

4:06 On The Panel today are Mai Chen with Nevil Gibson. On the day Mighty River floats we'll talk about the current television campaign designed to save you money when buying electricity, and the whole bizarreness of this market. With the decline of investigative journalism now do we need a fund for it, as NZ On Air supposedly funds quality television? North & South magazine and Scoop have both run pieces on this idea. The follow-up to gangnam-style; how do we know the V8 racing at Pukekohe was successful or not? Tell you what was, from all accounts - the Hyde Street keg party in Dunedin. Not that much drunkenness, not that many arrests, hardly any injuries. The definition of a good time in 2013 using substantial public resources.