Afternoons for Thursday 19 April 2012
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
1:15 Your Place
2:10 Feature stories
2:30 Reading
2:45 Feature Album
3:12 Arts Report
3:33 Southern story
It's the roar - a busy time for taxidermists. Sage Forest visits three brothers continuing their father's legacy - his passion for hunting and taxidermy, at GD O'Rourke & Sons in Pleasant Point.
Lance (right, with boar head) has recently returned from Alaska, guiding in a hunt for moose, caribou and grizzly bear. Nevin explains the tanning process and talks about stuffing people.
Safari park trophies (left); Tahr on the wall (right)
Moose head from Alaska
3:40 Our Changing World
4:06 The Panel