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Afternoons for Wednesday 22 February 2012
Best Song Ever Written - Alleluia
1:10 PM.Poet and broadcaster Gary McCormick chooses 'Alleluia' by Gin Wigmore. Audio
Link 3
1:20 PM.Can you spot the connection in our music quiz? Audio
2:10 PM.Martin van Beynen is an award-winning journalist with the Christchurch newspaper The Press. His book, 'Trapped: Remarkable Stories of Survival from the 2011 Canterbury Earthquake' documents the… Read more Audio
A San Franciscan view of Christchurch
2:23 PM.Spud Hilton knows what it's like to feel the fear of a large scale earthquake. As the Travel Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, he lives in a city on a fault line. Spud Hilton has just… Read more Audio
Feature Album - Band Together
2:50 PM.On October 23, 2010 Christchurch's Hagley Park hosted one of the biggest ever free concerts in New Zealand, following the first big earthquake to shake the city a month earlier. Audio
Virtual World with Hamish MacEwan
3:10 PM.What companies are finding out about you and a look at how hidden untraceable searches are. Audio
Auckland Story for 22 February 2012 - The Dolphin Theatre
3:38 PM.In a time when people are spoilt for entertainment choice, theatres are having to fight harder to attract audiences through their doors. However, one community theatre in Auckland has proven it can… Read more Audio
The Panel Pre-Show for 22 February 2012
3:50 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Linda Clark and Gary Moore (Part 1)
4:08 PM.Remembering the Christchurch February 2011 earthquake; the Crown is considering an appeal after bail was granted to Kim Dotcom; and Murray McCully's emails appear to demonstrate a desire to resist… Read more Audio
The Panel with Linda Clark and Gary Moore (Part 2)
4:38 PM.DB Breweries has refused to drop a Tui beer television advertisement despite pressure from a feminist group; and an animal rights group is calling on Hamilton City Council to ban rodeos from its… Read more Audio
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
1:15 Link 3 - music game
2:10 Feature stories
2:30 Reading
2:45 Feature Album
3:12 Virtual World
3:33 Auckland story
4:06 The Panel