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Afternoons for Tuesday 22 November 2011
Best Song Ever Written - Navigator
1:08 PM.Kevin Foley from Timaru has chosen "Navigator" by the Pogues. Audio
TV Review with Phil Wallington
1:20 PM.The TV3 leaders' debate, "Traces to Nowhere" and "From Flaxmere to the World - The Journey of Baritone Philip Rhodes". Audio
Book Review with Vanda Symon
1:34 PM."Janet Frame: In Her Own Words", edited by Denis Harold and Pamela Gordon, and "Rangitira" by Paula Morris. Audio
Music Review with Nick Atkinson
1:43 PM."Addis Black Widow" and "Mascaram Setaba" by Mulatu Astatke. Audio
Web Review with Ele Ludemann
1:52 PM.Even eBook fans insist on real books for their children; stubbornness increases when more people disagree with you; and bad manners are in rude health. Audio
Electric Cars
2:10 PM.A battery powered vehicle designed and built by Waikato University students is about to be driven from Auckland to Bluff, accompanying a solar-powered vehicle built by German engineering students. Audio
A Giant Atlas
2:22 PM.The biggest atlas ever made is currently being designed in Wellington. The "Earth Platinum" will measure 1.8m by 1.4m, and to turn a page will be a job for two people. When open, a double paged spread… Read more Audio
Tune Your Engine - Books in Homes
3:09 PM.When Ben Carson and his brother were young, their mother turned off the TV and they checked out two books from the library every week. The books turned a boy who was called "dummy" by his classmates… Read more Audio
Asian Report for 22 November 2011 - At Circle's End
3:35 PM.Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets an interesting mix of people at the Museum of Wellington City and Sea who've gathered to workshop their most intimate memories of the loss of loved ones. Multi-ethnic… Read more Audio
The Panel Pre-Show for 22 November 2011
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Garry Moore and Graham Bell (Part 1)
4:07 PM.Topics - Labour leader Phil Goff was judged by most to be the winner in last night's TV debate and Spain has a new government after voters dumped the Socialists in favour of the conservative Popular… Read more Audio
The Panel with Garry Moore and Graham Bell (Part 2)
4:37 PM.Topics - Researchers from Taiwan found that smokers instructed to take a daily multivitamin smoked more cigarettes than smokers not taking a multivitamin. Budding teachers will have to take… Read more Audio
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
1:15 Critical Mass
2:10 Feature Stories
2:30 Reading
2:45 Feature Album
3:12 Tune Your Engine
3:33 Asian Report
4:06 The Panel