Afternoons for Thursday 15 September 2011
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
1:15 Your Place
2:10 Feature stories
2:30 Reading
2:45 Feature Album
3:12 Arts Report
3:33 Southern story - Orana Wildlife Park - a refuge with wild things
Tired of the rumblings in the concrete jungle, Sage Forest heads out to Orana Wildlife Park in Christchurch for a close encounter with the King of the Jungle.
Opened in 1976 Orana Park is New Zealand's only open range zoo, on 80 hectares on McLeans Island. It focusses on conservation and breeding of endangered African and New Zealand species.
Lions, rhino, giraffe, primates, birds, reptiles, meercats, otter, cheetah, farm animals and much more. The animals are effected by earthquakes similarly to humans, but many humans are finding a visit to the wild-side a safe and soothing experience in shaky times.
Sage and animal keeper Rob Clifford.
3:40 Our Changing World
4:06 The Panel