Afternoons for Friday 11 February 2011
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon chosen by Sam MacNeill of Fielding
1:15 NZ Music - Live
Tammi Neilson, double Tui-award winner, a high-octane country performer.
Audio of NZ Music Live can be found on our music webpage.
2:10 Feature stories
General manager of Shire Tours, Russell Alexander
A big day for Hobbit fans as the start date for filming is announced and Sir Peter Jackson goes into partnership with the company that runs tours of Hobbiton.
Taranaki fashion designer Greer Osborne
A young fashion designer is bound for Europe after winning a design competition for a textile that combines gold and merino wool.
2:30 Reading
Part five of Maurice Gee's In My Father's Den, dramatised for radio by Terry Swanson.
2:45 Feature album
Rockyferry by Duffy.
3:08 One Stop Shop
Fresh Fast Food, Weekend Wine, Weekend Weather, Movie Review and This Way of Life
Yvonne Lorkin wine selections:
Cheap n Cheerful: Longridge Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 2008
Mid Price Magic: Sacred Hill Organge Label Merlot Cabernet 2009
Treat Yourself: Nautilus Marlborough Pinot Noir 2009
3:33 Auckland Society
Work on an 800-million-dollar-plus motorway stretching Auckland's motorway network northwards to Warkworth, is not due to start for another four years. But already land owners along the suggested route, know they may be affected. David Steemson talks to Auckland Councillor Penny Webster.
4:06 The Panel
Richard Langston and Josie Pagani