Afternoons for Wednesday 1 December 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
With or Without You by U2 chosen by Mark McGinn of Christchurch
1:15 Link 3 - music game
2:10 Feature Stories
Tony Hicks of the Hollies
Of all the groups from the British music invaison of the sixties only three continue to tour and make records; The Rolling Stones, The Searchers and The Hollies. This summer, The Hollies return to New Zealand on their Midas Touch tour which has already played to sell out crowds in the UK.
2:30 NZ Reading
Barbara Ewing reads episode eight of her book The Mesmerist.
2:45 He Rourou
Ana Tapiata talks to Kahu Te Rire about the way he learned traditional tribal knowledge.
2:50 Feature Album
Dare - The Human League
3:12 Virtual World
Dr Jules Older on, the smartest 12-year-old in California, the iConnected Parent and Digital Dangers.
3:33 Auckland story
The return of the last floating survivor of Auckland's old ferry fleet: The 105-year-old Kestrel should soon be plying Auckland Harbour again.
View Down and Out on the Waitemata made by the National Film Unit in the 1970s, featuring the Toroa and the Kestrel.
4:06 The Panel
John Barnett and Don Donovan.