Afternoons for Thursday 12 August 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd as chosen by Alex Hayward of Greymouth.
1:15 Your Place
On Your Place today, we are visiting a geographic region rather than one of our smaller towns. This unique, narrow, 26 kilometre long land spit runs west to east at the top of the South Island. The spit shows as a broad penninsular on maps he drew at the time. He was, of course, Capitain James Cook and it is the name he bestowed on the place that has stuck. "Cape farewell," his point of departure from these shores .
Early European settlers refered to their new home as Cape Farewall Spit, but over the years the abreiviated version has become more widely accepted. So today we visit Farewell Spit, the natural barrier to Golden Bay.
2:10 Feature stories
It was never easy to stump Bert Sutcliffe, one of the truly great batsmen in cricket. Now he's got everyone stumped about where his ashes are buried at Carisbrook. The master batsman died in 2001. He wanted his ashes scattered at Cairisbrook. Some were scattered, the rest buried in an urn during a private ceremony. But no one can find it. They've used metal detectors, and sonar devivces, but there's no sign of Sutcliffe's ashes.
The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin is launching a worldwide appeal to raise enough to exhibit the gowns to mark the 75th anniversary of Gone With The Wind in 2014. The costumes are in fragile condition and can't be displayed. They include the famous green velvet dress Scarlet made from curtains to impress Rhett Butler. The costumes are from the collection of David O. Selznick, the legendary filmmaker who produced Gone With The Wind.
2:30 NZ Reading
Episode nine of Lloyd Jones' novel Here at the End of the World We Learn to Dance, read by John McDavitt.
Lionel can't wait to get back to the city. . . and Rosa.
2:55 He Rourou
A long time advocate of the national secondary schools kapa haka competition, Morvin Simon says the stage provides a great practise area before graduating to the marae.
Morvin Simon tells Ana Tapiata about the ongoing value of the performing arts competition .
2:50 Feature Album
1984 by Van Halen, the last album featuring singer David Lee Roth before he left the band.
3:12 Arts Report
Our arts report this week features the story behind an unusual photo essay about death " Caring for the Dead" now on at the New Dowse in Lower Hutt.
Christchurch artist Bridgit Anderson asked a local funeral home to let her shadow them for a year, documenting the care they provide for the deceased and their families.
Justin Gregory got Bridgit together with funeral director Tony Garing to talk about drawing attention to what normally remains hidden.
3:33 Christchurch story
3:47 Pre Panel
What are people talking about on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
4:06 The Panel