Afternoons for Tuesday 15 June 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
I Know Who I Will Be Seeing in New Zealand by Tom T Hall is the pick from Fergus Gregory of Geraldine.
1:15 Critical Mass
Ele Ludemann on "The Air New Zealand Best Blog Awards" (Air New Zealand is not really sponsoring the award, this is just a dig at the Qantas Media awards)
The New Zealand Bloggers' Union's inaugural Air New Zealand Best Blog Award: Cactus Kate
Runners up:
The Dim Post
No Right Turn
Phil Wallington reviews Prime Presents 50 Years of NZ TV, TVNZ's Cheers To 50 Years and The Pacific.
Resident music critic and freelance radio producer Nick Atkinson presents a track from a Roundheads Studios session from The Bellbirds (Don McGlashan, Sean Donnelly, Sandy Mill and Victoria Kelly).
2:10 Feature stories
Like magic, they've grown up before our very eyes. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint have said goodbye to their Harry Potter characters. Filming on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows finished just outside London. The movie will be released in two parts, one just before Christmas this year and the other in July next year. Jim talks to Jeff Guillaume, editor in chief and creator of theHarry Potter Automatic News Aggregator fan website.
About 6000 New Zealanders volunteered during the war to serve as aircrew with Bomber Command; 2152 were killed and many more were injured. As the years pass, the memories and the men are fading, so aviation enthusiast Peter Wheeler decided to interview the men for a book. Kiwis Do Fly is a collection of first hand accounts of war from members of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command Association.
2:30 Reading
Another in John Bluck's series of short talks describing his attempts to learn the art of living rurally.
2:45 He Rourou
17-year-old basketballer Hana Tapiata says national tournaments are a great opportunity for young to be exposed to top-level sport. Ana Tapiata talks to her neice about the top teams and the standard of play at this year's Under 19s basketball tournament during Queen's Birthday weekend.
2:50 Feature Album
Ryan Adams' Easy Tiger.
3:12 Tune Your Engine
Scientists are changing the way we think about our middle-aged brains. Barbara Strauch, the health and medical science editor at The New York Times outlines the good news and bad news in her new book, The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain.
3:33 Asian Report
For those who experience depression, treatment is often in the form of either counseling or prescribed anti-depressants. But how is mental illness and depression treated within Asian Communities?
Sonia Yee investigates some of the challenges that exist in bringing an awareness of mental health to Asian communities in New Zealand.
3:47 Environment story
We've known for a while now that carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the body, but did you know that just the taste of carbs can increase your physical strength? It's true - but the question is; how?
Researchers at Auckland University's Department of Sport and Exercise Science think they know the answer. They're the first to identify a previously unknown neural pathway between receptors in the mouth and those parts of the brain that control muscle activity.
But the experiments to find this pathway are pretty rigorous, involving lifting weights for up to half an hour. Justin Gregory volunteered to be a guinea pig at the researcher's lab at the university's Tamaki campus.
4:06 The Panel
Don Donovan and Bomber Bradbury.
Carter sent home by Goff; new deal on foreshore & seabed; Sean Plunket will soon sleep in every morning; teachers feel unprepared to implement National Standards; will mining replace war in Afghanistan Trillion dollar discovery of mineral wealth .. Is it a blessing or curse?