Afternoons for Friday 4 June 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
A Girl Like You by Edwyn Collins is the greatest song ever written according to Iain Clark from Oamaru. She's with the Steampunk League. They are holding a fashion show tomorrow.
1:15 NZ Music - Live
Richard Leschen, originally from a little town in Jackson County, Arkansas, has established himself as a unique voice in our musical landscape.
2.10 Feature stories
Is the recipe for the great southern cheese roll art or is it science? The International Science Festival is challenging bakers in the South to enter the Ultimate Cheese Roll Competition. Professor Phil Bremer and his team from the University of Otago's food science department will test the winning entry to determine what makes it the best. Otago Polytechnic hospitality programme manager Tony Hepinstall is one of the judges and they are both on the line from Dunedin.
Recipe:Proper Southern Cheese Roll
The Cane Toad, which has caused no end of trouble for Queensland, is now a scourge in the Northern Territory. Frogwatch figures estimate there are about 92 million cane toads infesting the NT, which it says are having a huge impact in their competition for food with native animals. Darwin's Lord Mayor, Graeme Sawyer thinks tourists and backpackers will hop on over to the Northern Territory for the chance to do some toad-killing safaris.
2:30 NZ Reading
The final episode in Shackleton's Boat Journey, written by Captain Frank Worsley, and read by Peter Elliot.
2:50 Feature Album
Harps & Angels by super talented American musician, Randy Newman.
2:55 He Rourou
His love for traditional Maori instruments has taken him around the world but it could have been so different for Horomona Horo.
Ana Tapiata talks with the school teacher about how Maori instruments changed his life.
3:08 One Stop Shop
Fresh Food Fast - Julie Biuso's Spanish Creamy Rice
Weekend wine selections with Karl du Fresne.
Under $10:
Grove Mill Sauvignon Blanc 2009
Over $10:
Carchelo 2007 ($15-16). You mentioned that Julie was going to be talking about Spanish food so I've chosen a Spanish red that's widely available.
Special occasion:
Gladstone Vineyard Pinot Noir 2008 ($41) - a Wairapapa wine that recently won a gold medal at the International Wine Challenge.
Movies with Noelle McCarthy
Sex and the City 2
Weekend Weather by Bob McDavitt
3:33 Sports Story with Stephen Hewson
3:47 NZ Society
Names, once they are in common use, quickly become mere sounds, their etymology being buried, like so many of the earth's marvels, beneath the dust of habit.
That's what Salman Rushdie thought anyway. But today, and for the next three Fridays, we're going to look a little more closely at names - people's names, more specifically, with Amelia Nurse.
4:06 The Panel
Michelle A'Court and Clarke Gayford - the New Zealand is great for kids if you're rich report from the Public Health Advisory Committee; the ongoing disaster with Hanover Finance has tainted Allied shares now, as that company prepares to pay $5 million more to Eric Watson and Mark Hotchin; we ask can the DHBs legally stop mentally ill people in institutions smoking?; the freedom camping ban in Northland; and the cities that suit men - that neglected species, the male. There are all these surveys of the best cities in the world. Now there's been a survey about where men like to live, and why.