Afternoons for Tuesday 11 May 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
The Unfaithful Ways' I Can't Get Your Cruel Love Off My Mind is the best song ever written chosen by Doug from Banks Peninsula.
1:15 Critical Mass
Radio New Zealand freelance producer and musician Nick Atkinson suggests you listen to Ponta de Lanca Africano by Jorge Ben and Love Alone by P Money.
2:10 Feature stories
A British yachtsman has found a small group of people near starvation on Kanton Island in the pacific. Kanton is about halfway between Hawaii and Fiji. It's nearest neighbor is Kiribati. Alex Bond says he was sailing from Hawaii to Brisbane when he decided to go ahsore at the World Heritage site. He told The Independent what he saw shocked him. He says 24 islanders in dire need of food greeted him, 10 of them are children. They've been living on coconuts and fish for the last two months. The US Coastgaurd is arranging an airdrop of food.
Once the game was used to train warriors. Kiorahi is making a comeback on the Kapiti Coast. Sport Wellington is re-introducing the game from the early 1800s to Maori children. It's a cross between touch rubgy, softball and dodgeball and uses handwoven flax balls. The game is starting to gain popularity on the East Coast of the North Island and Northland. Sport Wellington hopes the re-introduction of the game will boost kid's confidence and improve skills, like hand-eye co-ordination.
2:30 Reading
Episode 12 of Crime Story by Maurice Gee. The reader is Stuart Devenie .
Because of the content of today's episode, we advise listener discretion.
2:45 He Rourou
Northland health advocate Moe Milne comes from the very small township of Moerewa, about 40 minutes north of Whangarei. Yet she is confident that the people of her community will benefit from the government's programme Whanau Ora.
Moe explains to Ana Tapiata the reasons she believes isolated communities like her own will benefit from the new government approach.
2:50 Feature Album
The Dead Weather's Sea of Cowards. It's their second album and another side project of Jack White, lead singer of the White Stripes.
3:12 Tune Your Engine
It's not about how rich you want to be-it's about how you want to be rich, say our next two guests.
Mike Hutcheson and Claire Wadey are the authors of Relax and Grow Rich: How to live a successful, satisfying and sustaining life.
It's a book about being rich in the wider sense of the word, the authors want you to appreciate all of the things you already have, and in doing so, create even more success.
Their thesis is a simple but powerful one; you're more likely to have a useful insight when you're relaxed, because the spaces created by relaxation make room for some of our most creative thinking.
And seeing as most of life's problems are no match for an individual firing on all creative cyclinders, successful relaxation could be the key to some of the most productive thinking you'll ever do.
Mike Hutchison and Claire Wadey explain more about the power of nuturing the positive.
3:33 Asian Report
Su- Lin Jai has always been fascinated with martial arts, but she never thought it would lead her down a new career path. Producer Sonia Yee meets up with the woman who fell in love with a killer sport.
3:47 Environment story
There's an energy gold rush on at the moment - and the 'gold' that everyone is after is clean, renewable energy. New Zealand is already well blessed with hydro power, and we're becoming increasingly familiar with wind power, but what about marine energy? What potential is there in the sea?
Ocean physicist Craig Stevens from NIWA is interested in understanding how energy works in the ocean, especially in the rough waters of Cook Strait. As he tells Alison Ballance this knowledge is helping in the development of turbines that might be able to generate 'clean' electricity from tidal flows.
4:06 The Panel
Sue Wells and Tony Doe.