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Afternoons for Wednesday 3 March 2010
The best song ever written
1:07 PM.Steve Wyn-Harris of Napier chooses 'Lapse' by Bill Calahan, from the Chris Knox Stroke album. Audio
Link 3
1:20 PM.What do today's songs have in common? Audio
NZ newspapers
2:10 PM.New Zealand newspapers are lively and fun to read, and their local focus may ensure their survival, even as paper sales around the world decline - that's the opinion of Dr. Kenton Bird, a former… Read more Audio
Festival Review for 3 March 2010
2:30 PM.Apollo 13: Mission Control, Echoa, Mary Stuart. Audio
He Rourou for 3 March 2010
2:49 PM.It's been 25 years since the establishment of the Taranaki iwi Maori language strategy. Ana Tapiata talks about Te Reo o Taranaki with Ruakere Hond, who's been at the helm of the language waka since… Read more Audio
Virtual World
3:08 PM.With Paul Reynolds. Audio
Auckland Story for 3 May 2010 - Transition in Grey Lynn
3:30 PM.David Steemson investigates a transition community in Grey Lynn. Audio
Environment story
3:50 PM.Have you noticed how, in some summers, flaxes and cabbage trees are covered in a mass of flowers? Botanist Dave Kelly set out to find what triggers such mass flowering events in our native snow… Read more Audio
The Panel (part 1)
4:10 PM.With Barry Corbett and Linda Clark. Audio
The Panel (part 2)
4:40 PM.With Barry Corbett and Linda Clark. Audio