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Afternoons for Wednesday 24 February 2010
The best song ever written
1:10 PM.Angela Bruce from Hamilton chooses Stuff and Nonsense by Split Enz. Audio
Link 3
1:20 PM.What do these three songs have in common? Audio
Villain art
2:10 PM.A portrait of convicted murderer Clayton Weatherston is one of the works competing in the Adam Portraiture Award, which opens in the National Portrait Gallery in Wellington tomorrow. Audio
Google books
2:20 PM.Google's plan to turn millions of books digital has hit another snag, with thousands of authors opting out of the project. Audio
He rourou for 24 February 2010
2:45 PM.Ana Tapiata talks to Mahaki Albert about tutoring Te Reo Maori at Te Wananga o Aotearoa. Audio
Feature album
2:50 PM.Nick Drake - Five Leaves Left. Audio
Virtual World - Hamish MacEwan
3:10 PM."Webcamgate"- School uses laptops to spy on students and a bill repealing Section 92A of the Copyright Act was introduced into Parliament yesterday. Audio
Auckland Story for 24 February 2010 - East Tamaki Garden Project
3:30 PM.A vacant croquet lawn at the edge of the East Tamaki Domain in South Auckland has been transformed from a barren wasteland being choked by weeds, into a green oasis of vegetable plots. Audio
Science story with Alison Balance
3:45 PM.University of Auckland PhD student Anne Tomlinson is studying the ecology of millipedes. Audio
The panel (part 1)
4:07 PM.With Sue Wells and Rosemary McLeod. Audio
The panel (part 2)
4:35 PM.With Sue Wells and Rosemary McLeod. Audio