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Afternoons for Wednesday 9 December 2009
The best song ever written
1:15 PM.Dorothy Fitzpatrick of Whangarei chooses 'Cats in the Cradle' by Harry Chapin. Audio
Link 3
1:20 PM.Can you work out the common theme amongst today's tracks? Audio
2:10 PM.This Friday, Hamilton's Hukanui Primary School will lift the lid on a groundbreaking 'green' first - the country's first eco-classroom to be designed and managed by its students. Audio
The Investment Game
2:20 PM.The news out of the UK is that Monopoly has beaten out Barbie, Lego and Go-Go Hamsters to be voted the best value toy of the year. Here, the New Zealand Investment Game has topped the lot of the Games… Read more Audio
He Rourou for 9 December 2009
2:45 PM.The Maori cultural advisor for Te Papa says the recent return of koiwi tangata, or ancestral remains, was a major cause for celebration. Ana Tapiata talks with Hema Temara about their cultural… Read more Audio
Feature album
2:50 PM.Today's album is 'Magnetic' from New Zealand 's Miriam Clancy. She was on New Zealand Live about 2 months ago, and her second album has had the sort of reviews from leading critics that are quite… Read more Audio
IT Spot
3:10 PM.We are joined by techno commentator, Paul Reynolds, managing co-director and co-founder of one of our oldest web companies, McGovern Online. Audio
Science story with Alison Ballance
3:47 PM.Over the last few weeks Alison Ballance has been bringing us stories from the Leigh Marine Lab about noisy fish, and the loud dawn and dusk choruses that snapping shrimps and sea urchins make. We also… Read more Audio
The Panel (part 1)
4:10 PM.With Gordon McLauchlan and Alison Renfrew. Audio
The Panel (part 2)
4:40 PM.With Gordon McLauchlan and Alison Renfrew. Audio