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Afternoons for Wednesday 21 October 2009
Best song ever written
1:10 PM.Dr Megan Balks has chosen The 59th Street Bridge Song by Simon and Garfunkel. Audio
Link 3
1:13 PM.Did you get the link? Audio
Rolling Stones
2:10 PM.For decades the circumstances surrounding the Rolling Stones' 1965 visit to Invercargill has been the stuff of urban myth. Audio
Feature Album - Cosmo's Factory
2:15 PM.By Creedence Clearwater Revial. Audio
He Rourou for 21 October 2009
2:25 PM.High school students at Te Koutu Maori language total immersion school in Rotorua have begun learning maths in Spanish. Audio
The Blue Ridge Rangers Ride Again
2:50 PM.If you're of a certain generation, the band CCR needs no introduction. The man with the big talent beind that band needs no introduction to several generations. John Fogerty. Audio
Digital Planet
3:12 PM.Digital news from Gareth Mitchell and the BBC Digital Planet crew. Audio
Auckland Story for 21 October 2009 - Cycling
3:38 PM.Cycling to work as a commuter in Auckland. Next Bike is the company that's had the idea. Audio
Environment story
3:47 PM.Scientists trying to study the diversity of marine life in Antarctica's Ross Sea face more than a few challenges. For a start, their study animals are hidden beneath metres of sea ice. Audio
The panel - part 1
4:06 PM.With Michelle A'Court and Brian Edwards. Audio
The panel - part 2
4:35 PM.With Michelle A'Court and Brian Edwards. Audio