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Afternoons for Tuesday 7 April 2009
The best song ever written
1:10 PM.Sandy Powis has chosen John Williams' The Deer Hunter. Audio
Reeling in the years - 1970
1:20 PM.Record producer, Mike LePetit takes you back to 1970. Featuring, Frankie Stevens, The Beatles and more. Audio
Native Police
2:10 PM.A Waikato-based group of volunteer police risk a run-in with the law unless it scales back its operations. Audio
Night Sky
2:20 PM.The dark night sky above Tekapo is another step closer to being named a world heritage site. Audio
Feature album - Lily Allen's It's Not Me, It's You
2:50 PM.Lily Allen opened a MySpace account in 2005, posted demos and her life stories and quickly had hundreds of thousands of friends. Audio
Fit and fabulous for life after babies
3:10 PM.In tune your engine this week; the busiest job of all. Audio
Asian Report for 7 April 2009
3:30 PM.Montessori believed that children are born with a unique potential for learning. Audio
Science story for 7 April 2009
3:47 PM.The collapse of a major ice bridge in Antarctica has been in the headlines this week. Audio
The Panel for 7 April 2009
4:00 PM.With David Farrar and Linda Clarke. Today's topics; Auckland the Super City and earthquake prediction. Audio