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Afternoons for Monday 16 February 2009
Eight Months to Mars - Tim Spite
1:19 PM.He has starred in more than seventy stage shows and has won 13 Awards, including Best Designer and Best New Director. Audio
Online Shopping
2:11 PM.Studies in the United States show recession shoppers are helping online retailers and discounters ring in healthy earnings. Audio
Talking Cars
2:18 PM.Cars that talk to each other and direct their drivers away from danger are set to be unleashed on the roads as early as 2012. Audio
He Rourou for 16 February 2009
2:47 PM.Ana Tapiata talks to Ministry advisor Wi Keelan about the Ngati Raukawa scholar, who's currently studying medicine. Audio
This Way Up Feature - The Yoyo
3:28 PM.Simon Morton with a story about the yoyo toy, which as your about to find out, has an amazing history. Audio
Environment Story - Tuna Tagging
3:46 PM.In an effort to find out where these huge fish travel to, Auckland University PhD student Tim Sippell has been out tagging. Audio
The Panel (Part 1)
4:07 PM.With today's guests Garry Moore and David Farrar. Audio
The Panel (Part 2)
4:36 PM.With today's guests Garry Moore and David Farrar. Audio