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Afternoons for Wednesday 24 September 2008
Noelles Essay
1:06 PM.Spring time is here! Audio
The Best Song Ever Written
1:10 PM."My Big Nurse"by Byrne and Eno off"Everything That Happens Happens Today". Audio
Link 3
1:15 PM.CD prize - The Black Seeds CD,"Into The Dojo". Audio
Nocturnal Chirping Tree Frogs
2:10 PM.The nocturnal chirping of tree frogs is causing consternation amongst residents of the Dunedin suburb of Waakeri. Audio
2:20 PM.Traditionally considered to be a"women's disease"is dramatically increasing in males. Audio
He Rourou for 24 September 2008
2:45 PM.Ana Tapiata talks to Lisa McNabb, from Te Hauora o Te Hiku o Te ika Trust in Kaitaia, for Hauora Tane One Heart Many Lives. Audio
Feature Album for 24 September 2008
2:50 PM.18 - by Moby. Audio
Virtual World with Paul Reynolds
3:12 PM.One of the best cyber talkers around, Paul Reynolds, joins Noelle. Audio
David Steemson Story
3:33 PM.Auckland Museum is revealing what goes one behind the scenes with its"Secrets Revealed"exhibition. Audio
Environment Story
3:47 PM.In New Zealand, honey bees are responsible for pollinating crops ranging from kiwifruit to capsicums to tomatoes. Audio
The Panel - Part 1
4:06 PM.With David Slack and Irene Gardiner. Audio
The Panel - Part 2
4:35 PM.With David Slack and Irene Gardiner. Audio