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Afternoons for Monday 21 July 2008
Eight Months to Mars - Steve Wrigley
1:19 PM.He is this years winner of the Billy T James award for comedy. Audio
Level Crossings
2:11 PM.Level crossings in the South Island have been rated as some of the worst in New Zealand. Audio
Maori Language Week
2:21 PM.Matai Smith joins us for our 'Ma Tatou' segment helping to celebrate Maori Language week. Audio
He Rourou for 21 July 2008
2:47 PM.Ana Tapiata talks to Te Huinga Reo about playing the tall Jamaican goal shoot Romelda Aitkin. Audio
Feature Author - Al Lester
3:10 PM.His new book is called"Off the Track". Audio
This Way Up Feature - Oats
3:32 PM.Everything you've always wanted to know about Oats. Audio
Science Story
3:47 PM.The plight of Hector's dolphins. Audio
The Panel (Part 1)
4:07 PM.With today's guests Jane Clifton and Don Donovan. Audio
The Panel (Part 2)
4:38 PM.With today's guests Jane Clifton and Don Donovan. Audio