Afternoons for 1 April 2008

1:06 Jim's Essay

1:10 Best Song Ever Written IV Toto (For Toto) - by the fans of Toto

According to James Gale

1:15 Tuesday - Reeling in the Years - 1968

Record collector and seller, John Holtz

2:00 News

2:10 Blood Pressure

A major international study has shown what many specialists have suspected - that drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure in the elderly dramatically cut the risk of them dying after a stroke and slashes rates of heart failure by half.

The study,published online by the New England Journal of Medicine, involved nearly 4,000 patients and showed that treatment of people over 80 cut the risk of stroke by 30 percent and the risk of heart failure by 64 percent.

Experts are now predicting the findings will change doctors' approach to treating high blood pressure in elderly patients.

One of them is John Chalmers from the George Institute for International Health in Sydney.

2:20 Search and Rescue

New figures suggest visitors to New Zealand seeking a slice of the great outdoors are increasingly biting off more than they can chew. Land Search and Rescue says this summer, overseas visitors accounted for more than one-third of callouts; of the 111 wilderness rescues undertaken by Landsar and the police, 39 involved tourists.

It says the problem lies with visitors coming ill-prepared for their adventures, without any knowledge of outdoor awareness or safety systems. .....and an absence of any information here to educate them.

Landsar board director is Phil Melchior.

2:30 NZ Reading Rocking Horse Road

After her violent death on the beach at the end of Rocking Horse Road Lucy Asher takes on the status of a deity for a group of boys in the school.

Their collective imagination makes her into something apart, special and, almost because of her very unassailability, a goddess. As her high priests they must avenge her murder.

2:45 He Rourou

In He Rourou today, Ana Tapiata talks to Anika Erueti who, for most of her life, has been attending the annual Easter Festival of the Maori Catholic church.

2.50 Feature Album - Werecat Lullabies by Ragamuffin Children

3:00 News

3:12 Tune Your Engine

Daylight Saving ends this weekend - a sad time for some. Professor Ken Kirkby is from the University of Hobart in Australia.

3:33 Asian Report

Over the Easter weekend, the New Zealand Chinese Association celebrated its 60th "Easter Sports & Cultural Tournament". The annual tournament rotates between Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland, which played host this year, which means that Suzanne Schokman got to see it for herself.

3:47 Environment Story

And in our environment story today NIWA's Malcolm Francis and Michael Manning take Amelia Nurse to the lab where they've defrosted a selection of sharks…

4:00 News

4:06 The Panel - Joanne Black and David McPhail