Afternoons for Wednesday 5 March 2008

1:06 Jim's Essay

1:10 Best Song Ever Written: I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash

According to Barbi Speers.

1:15 Link 3

CD prize - Dawn Planes by Lucid 3

2:00 News

2:10 Navigation devices

Satellite navigation devices designed to guide drivers could prove even more dangerous distractions than using mobile phones at the wheel.
Dave Moore is a freelance motoring writer.

2:20 Deadly Star

Earth may be staring down the barrel of one of the galaxy's most beautiful and potentially deadly objects.
A highly unstable star at the end of its life could unleash a burst of gamma-ray radiation directed straight at Earth, any time between now and the next couple of hundred thousand years.
Dr Peter Tuthill is from the University of Sydney

2:30 Festival Review - Paul Bushnell

The feel of the festival half-way through, bro'Town live onstage, festival commissioning.

3:00 News

3:12 Virtual World - Hamish MacEwan

Netscape's demise; The Firefox browser has been downloaded nearly 500 million times; Web desktop targets 'cybernomads'; his Bits & Bobs and website of the week -

3:33 Auckland Story

The almost one hundred year old Newmarket Station building is on the move. It's being taken away to be replaced by a new twenty five million dollar building for what is Auckland's second busiest station.
ARTA's Project Manager at the Newmarket railway station is Matthew Whitehead. David Steemson also talked to Rob French from On Track, and Conservation architect Dave Pearson.

3:47 Environment Story

Captive breeding ranger Darren Page tells Amelia Nurse about the trials and tribulations of raising stitch birds:

4:00 News

4:06 The Panel - Richard Griffin and John Bishop.

4:30 News Headlines/Traffic/Weather