Afternoons for Monday 3 March 2008
Afternoons for Monday 3 March 2008
1:06 Jim's Essay
1:10 Best Song Ever Written: Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks
According to Russell Ward
1:15 8 Months To Mars
Tina Grenville
2:00 News
2:10 Wild Foods
A war of words is brewing over a Christchurch bar and its big-brewery backer accused of "ambushing" Hokitika's Wild foods Festival. But the organiser of Wild Food in the City, bar owner Jason Telfer says the opposition doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.
2:30 Festival Review: Paul Bushnell
Trial of the Cannibal Dog; Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill; Resonances.
3:00 News
3:12 Kitchen Table Millionaire
Catriona Maclennan is the author of How To Become A Kitchen Table Millionaire.
3:30 This Way Up: Richard Scott
This week some tips on what to do when you get a new kitten; toys, vaccinations, food, and should you keep them inside at night?
3:47Health Report
Jeremy Rose talks to the most cited scientist in pharmacology, Geoffrey Burnstock, about his discoveries in the field of neurotransmitters, flamenco music and being turned down for medical school.
4:00 News
4:06 The Panel - Joanne Black and Jon Bridges
4:30 News Headlines/Traffic/Weather