Afternoons for Monday 18 February 2008
Today on Afternoons
1:06 Noelle's Essay
1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Mein Glaubiges Herze
Written by Johan Sebastian Bach
Sung by Kathleen Battle on her CD Grace
Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
SK 62035.
Requested by Dave Hall
1:15 8 Months To Mars - Martin Bosley
2:00 News
2:10 Mental Illness
A visiting expert in the treatment of mental illness is predicting rapid and revolutionary progress is about to be made in unlocking previously uncharted secrets of the human brain.
British psychiatrist, Dr David Nutt has recently colloborated in a report for the UK government exploring possible new treatments for mental illness over the next two decades.
That's shown that in recent years not a lot of progress has been made in the field of mental health treatment, but David Nutt says revolutionary changes are afoot, so that in just in 15 years time it will be possible to genotype every single person at birth through a single pin prick of blood!
2:20 Surgical Holiday
New Zealanders are among the thousands of holidaymakers regularly heading to Asian countries for a spot of surgery. Independent holiday surgery operator, Gorgeous Getaways, says Kiwis are heading to places like Malaysia and Sri Lanka for cosmetic surgery such as facelifts, liposuction and tummy tucks. Since Gorgeous Getaways started in 2004, about 400 New Zealand men and women have gone on "surgery holidays", and that number's growing. Price is a major draw card; for $8000, a patient can head to Malaysia and enjoy a two week stay in 5-star accommodation, with a full facelift part of the package. Director of the Australian-based Gorgeous Getaways is Louise Cogan
2:30 NZ Reading: What is it to be a New Zealander?
How is it that some of our recently arrived immigrants seem to put us to shame in terms of our understanding, not just of the rest of the world, but of ourselves?
2:45 He Rourou
2:50 Feature Album: Pulp - Different Class
3:00 News
3:12 Dirty Agriculture
The Soil and Health Association says it's got the answer to what it calls New Zealand's "dirty record" in agriculture. It's ambitious vision is for all farm and home produce to be grown organically by 2020. Responding to the recently released 2007 State of the Environment Report, the Association says the only way to make our farming truly sustainable is to go organic.
Steffan Browning is from the Soil and Health Association
3:33 This Way Up with Richard Scott
Jenga - a game invented in Africa where you stack up wooden blocks till they fall over. It's so simple but it's sold millions.
Richard Williams tells Amelia Nurse how he's making plates out of starch from waste potato water:
4:00 News
4:06 The Panel - Brian Edwards and Amanda Miller
4:30 News Headlines/Traffic/Weather