Navigation for Pacific Waves
Pacific Waves for Saturday 11 March 2023
Pacific Waves for 11 March 2023
6:04 AM.Australian scientist says Japan's proposed nuclearwastewater ocean dump is totally safe; Pacific celebrates agreement on High Seas Treaty as a win for ocean protection; Australian parliamentarians… Read more Audio
Scientist says Japan nuclearwastewater dump safe
6:03 AM.An Australian scientist who deals with radiation on a daily basis believes there is no reason for Pacific nations to be concerned about the upcoming release of treated nuclear wastewater into the… Read more Audio
Pacific celebrates agreement on High Seas Treaty
6:02 AM.Pacific celebrates agreement on High Seas Treaty as a win for ocean protection. Audio
Australia to keep Nauru detention centres open
6:01 AM.Australian parliamentarians have turned down a chance to close the offshore centres for detaining asylum seekers and refugees. Audio
Polyfest 2023 celebrating Pacific language, arts and culture
6:00 AM.Polyfest 2023 celebrating Pacific language, arts and culture. Audio