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Pacific Waves for Saturday 25 February 2023
Pacific Waves for 25 February 2023
6:03 AM.New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment says over 3800 Pacific islanders working under the Reconised Seasonal Employer scheme in the cyclone impacted Hawke's Bay region have all… Read more Audio
Plenty of jobs for RSE workers in Hawke's Bay - Ministry
6:02 AM.New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment says over 3800 Pacific islanders working under the Reconised Seasonal Employer scheme in the cyclone impacted Hawke's Bay region have all… Read more Audio
Rabuka in his element at Pacific leaders' retreat
6:01 AM. Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says he is enjoying the role of being a unifying figure in the Pacific. Mr Rabuka, who was elected to government in December, has been credited for his pivotal… Read more Audio
Tribute to Sitiveni Halapua one of Tonga's greatest minds
6:00 AM.Tonga lost one of its greatest minds last month, with the passing of Sitiveni Halapua. Dr Halapua, who was 73, was an academic who became a politician. Audio