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Pacific Waves for Saturday 28 January 2023
Pacific Waves for 28 January 2023
6:04 AM.The new Papua New Guinea foreign minister, Justin Tkatchenko, wants the diplomatic service revamped and expanded. But can PNG afford it given the issues for current missions?; No-take marine protected… Read more Audio
Can PNG afford more overseas missions?
6:03 AM.The new Papua New Guinea foreign minister, Justin Tkatchenko, wants the diplomatic service revamped and expanded. But can PNG afford it given the funding issues for existing overseas missions? Audio
Marine protected areas do little for tuna conservation - study
6:02 AM.No-take marine protected areas in the western and central Pacific Ocean have had little impact on tuna stocks according to a new study published in Frontiers in Marine Science. Audio
Kiribati judicial crisis continues into 2023
6:01 AM.The judicial crisis in Kiribati shows no sign of ending, three years after it began. Audio
Pasifika youth benefit from photography camp
6:00 AM.Twenty Pasifka teen photographers were offered the opportunity of a lifetime when they were invited to attend a workshop organised by the National Goegraphic Society. Audio