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Pacific Waves for Thursday 8 December 2022
Pacific Waves for 8 December 2022
6:04 AM.Low turnout for pre-polling in Fiji; How can PNG govt be held to account with few opposition MPs in parliament; Education standards for disabled children in the Pacific needs to be lifted; FIFA World… Read more Audio
Low turnout for pre-polling in Fiji
6:03 AM.Low turnout for pre-polling in Fiji. Audio
How can PNG govt be held to account with few opposition MPs
6:02 AM.How can PNG govt be held to account with few opposition MPs in parliament. Audio
Education standards for disabled children needs to be lifted
6:01 AM.Education standards for disabled children in the Pacific needs to be lifted. Audio
FIFA World Cup tournament draws in Pacific fans
6:00 AM.FIFA World Cup tournament draws in Pacific fans. Audio