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Pacific Waves for Thursday 13 October 2022
Pacific Waves Thurs 13 Oct 2022
6:03 AM.Tight turn around but Vanuatu is heading to the polls for a snap election; New report warns dual impacts of climate change and debt in the Pacific could be catastrophic; We talk with the people behind… Read more Audio
Tight turn around but Vanuatu is heading to the polls
6:02 AM.Tight turn around but Vanuatu is heading to the polls for a snap election. Audio
Report warns of dual impacts of climate change and debt
6:01 AM.New report warns dual impacts of climate change and debt in the Pacific could prove catastrophic. Audio
Pacific Oceans childrens book being distributed to schools
6:00 AM.We talk with the people behind a new free Pacific childrens' book teaching the importance of protecting our ocean. Audio