Navigation for Pacific Waves
Pacific Waves for Monday 5 October 2020
Dateline Pacific for 5 October 2020
6:03 AM.Cooks leader steps aside - eyes new goals; Pasifiika communiinty in Dunedin say govt initiatives aren't keeping up with needs; And we canvass Pacific community views on the New Zealand cannabis… Read more Audio
Cooks leader steps aside - eyes new goals
6:02 AM.The Cook Islands leader for the past ten years stands down in an orderly transition of power. Audio
Pasifika community in Dunedin say govt isn't keeping up
6:01 AM.Pasifiika communiinty in Dunedin say govt initiatives aren't keeping up with needs. Audio
Election 2020: Pacific community's view on cannabis
6:00 AM.Pasifiika communiinty in Dunedin say govt initiatives aren't keeping up with needs. Audio