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Pacific Waves for Thursday 22 June 2017
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 22 June 2017
3:05 PM.The SML landowners at Panguna in Bougainville say no to a return by BCL but yes to another company coming in to mining the substantial gold and copper deposits; An effort to create a Second World War… Read more Audio
Panguna landowners give big tick to mining but no to BCL
3:04 PM.The SML landowners at Panguna in Bougainville say no to a return by BCL but yes to another company coming in to mining the substantial gold and copper deposits. Read more Audio
Vanuatu WW2 museum plans gain traction
3:03 PM.An effort to create a Second World War Museum in the Vanuatu town on Luganville is gaining traction, and its directors hope to start construction in the next couple of years. Read more Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 22 June 2017
5:05 AM.Australia accused of flouting international law on PNG's Manus Island; Drugs return to PNG hospitals but medical crisis not over; Another record year for Samoa investor, but changes loom; Vanuatu's… Read more Audio
Australia flouting international law on Manus
5:04 AM.As pressure mounts on refugees to leave Manus Island, legal experts warn Australia is flouting international law. Read more Audio
Drugs return to PNG hospitals but crisis not over
5:02 AM.Drug supplies are slowly starting to be restored in Papua New Guinea, easing a nationwide crisis that has seen some hospitals closed and others driven to the brink. Read more Audio
Another record year for Samoa investor, but changes loom
5:00 AM.The Unit Trust of Samoa has had another record year, paying out just over one and a half million US dollars to investors, but ownership of a key strategic investment is about to change. Read more Audio