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Pacific Waves for Friday 24 February 2017
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 24 February 2017
4:05 PM.Village chiefs in Samoa have agreed to ban foreign businesses from customary land; PNG's Lae university is looking to bounce back after a tough academic year in 2016; And there are claims of political… Read more Audio
Samoa village chiefs ban foreign businesses
4:04 PM.A village council of chiefs in Samoa has unanimously agreed to ban all foreign businesses on customary land. Audio
Lae university looking to bounce back after tough 2016
4:03 PM.The University of Technology in Lae in Papua New Guinea is planning an iconic building to replace the mess that was burnt down last year when violence broke out on the campus. Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 24 February 2017
6:06 AM.Claims of political interference in recent dismissals in Fiji; American Samoa's long-serving former congressman dies at 73; The World Bank will almost triple its support to the Pacific. Tonga's… Read more Audio
Claims of political interference in recent dismissals in Fiji
6:05 AM.There are suggestions of political interference surrounding the apparent resignation of the South Pacific Stock Exchange Chief Executive and other recent dismissals in Fiji. Read more Audio
American Samoa's long serving former congressman dies
6:04 AM.American Samoa's long-serving former Congressman, Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin, has died at the age of 73. Read more Audio
World Bank to almost triple support to Pacific by 2019
6:03 AM.Pacific countries stand to benefit from an almost tripling of financial support from the World Bank to the region in its next development funding cycle, beginning in July. Read more Audio